action adult cast amnesia based on a manga comedy crime crime fiction crime fiction comedy detective detectives drama episodic genius hikikomori male protagonist manga mystery police policeman present primarily adult cast shounen slapstick super power supernatural drama urban work
Rating: 7.46
El misterio prohibido de Ron Kamonohashi, Il Mistero di Ron Kamonohashi, Meisterdetektiv Ron Kamonohashi, Ron Kamonohashi : Deranged Detective, Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions, Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective, Ron Kamonohashi`s Forbidden Deductions, Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions, kamoron, สืบลับฉบับคาโมโนะฮาชิ รอน, 鴨ロン, 鴨乃橋ロンの禁断推理, 鴨乃橋論的禁忌推理, 鸭乃桥论的禁忌推理
Ron Kamonohashi, the best student in the history of the elite Detective Training Academy BLUE, has been living as a recluse since BLUE expelled him five years ago. Moreover, he is forbidden to work as a detective, having barely escaped execution after getting involved in a murder case while he was still attending the school. Ron'