
Kerokko Demetan

Rating: 5.96

Alternative Titles

Abenteuer am Regenbogenteich, Adventures On Rainbow Pond, Adventures on Rainbow Pond, Demetan Croaker, Demetan der Froschjunge, Demetan la petite grenouille, Demetan the Frog, Demetan, der Froschjunge, Demetan: de Kikkerjongen, Démétan la petite grenouille, Démétan, La Petite Grenouille, Eventyret i Regnbuedammen, La Banda Dei Ranocchi, La banda dei ranocchi, La ranita Demetán, Przygody zielonych żabek, Rohkea sammakko, The Boy Frog, The Brave Frog, The Brave Frog's Greatest Adventure, The Brave Frog`s Greatest Adventure, Zielone żabki, Zielone żabki: Przygody nad Tęczowym Stawem, Ο Γενναίος Βάτραχος, الضفدع الشجاع, けろっこデメタン, 개구리 소년


Demetan comes from such a poor family that he cannot even go to school in his woodland pond community. However, he has a friend named Ranatan, the lovely, gentle frog girl who is the daughter of the pond's rich ruler. Naturally her father is quite displeased by this relationship and he seeks to break it up. Nevertheless the young frogs continue with courage and confidence, not only to live their own lives but to guide the heartless leopard frog to a sense of justice and generosity. Gradually the pond community responds to their sincerity and joins them in a march toward a bright future. (Source: Official Website)

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