action action comedy alien aliens anti-hero asia based on a manga comedy cosmic horror earth ensemble cast episodic frogs gag ghost japan kuudere manga mecha meta military ninja non-human protagonists otaku otaku culture parody present robots sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen slapstick slice of life space
Rating: 7.7
KERORO军曹, Keroro, Keroro - Mission Titar, Keroro Gunsō, Keroro, Mission Titar, Sargento Keroro, Sarxento Keroro, Sergeant Frog, Sergeant Keroro, Sergeant Ribbit, Sgt. Frog, kero, keroro, keroro tv, keroro軍曹, קפטן קררו, كيرو, เคโรโระ ขบวนการ อ๊บ อ๊บ ป่วนโลก, けろろぐんそう, ケロロ軍曹, 개구리 중사 케로로, 케로로
It is the year 2004 AD, and pandemonium breaks as a mysterious frog-like alien race fills the sky with UFOs&mdash