action adventure apocalyptic fiction drama earth ensemble cast environmental espionage future heterosexual human experimentation male protagonist mecha military new original work piloted robot post apocalypse post-apocalyptic psychic powers real robot real robots sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shipboard space suicide superpowers tragedy war
Rating: 7.33
After War Gundam X, Gundam X, Gundam: Kidou Shin Seiki Gundam X, Kidou Shin Seiki Gundam X, Kidō Shin Seiki Gundam X, Mobile New Century Gundam X, Mobile Suit Gundam X, New Mobile Century Gundam X, Poválečný Gundam X, Мобильный воин Гандам Икс: После войны, كاندام اكس مابعد الحرب, きどうしんせいきがんだむえっくす, 機動新世紀ガンダムX
When one space colony declared its independence from the Earth Federation, the devastating 7th Space War, an all-out war between Earth and space, resulted. The Federation responded to the Space Revolutionary Army with mobile suits, called Gundams. However, the Space Revolutionary forces played their trump card and dropped hundreds of space colonies onto the Earth, plunging the planet into a seven-year-long nuclear winter. The Federation collapsed, but the Space Revolutionary Army was unable to invade the Earth in the aftermath of the colony drop. Fifteen years have passed. The year is now After War 0015, and a New Federation has sprung up on Earth to restore order. In space, the colonial leaders have been rebuilding their own forces as well. By chance, fifteen-year-old Garrod Ran has discovered an old Federation mobile suit, the Gundam X, and now he uses it to help out the Vulture ship Freeden in its struggle to keep the powers that be from repeating the mistakes of the past.