adventure alternative world based on a manga bionic powers chibi comedy crossdressing dungeon ensemble cast epic fantasy episodic fantasy magic maids manga meta moe monster non-human protagonists nonsense-comedy parody school short episodes shounen slapstick super deformed swords & co teacher verbal comedy
Rating: 7.03
Assassination Classroom: Koro Sensei Quest, Assassination Classroom: Koro Sensei Quest!, Assassination Classroom: Korosensei Quest, Koro Sensei Quest!, Koro Teacher Quest, Koro Teacher Quest 2016, Koro Teacher Quest!, Koro-sensei Q! (ONA), Koro-sensei Quest! (2016), actv: koro-sensei quest! (2016), assclass: koro-sensei quest! (2016), 殺せんせーQ[クエスト]!, 殺せんせーQ[クエスト]! (2016), 殺せんせーQ[クエスト]! (ONA), 殺せんせーQ! (2016)
One day, class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Magic School receives a special mission: to kill their homeroom teacher, the Demon King Koro-sensei. To increase their chances of succeeding, the class searches for the three most powerful warriors&mdash