action alien comedy demon fantasy japan male protagonist mecha monster motorcycles new nudity original work piloted robot present romance sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction super robot super robots transforming craft
Rating: 6.87
Kotetsu Shin Jeeg, Kotetsushin Jeeg, Kōtetsushin Jēg, Shin Jeeg Robot d'Acciaio, Shin Jeeg robot d`acciaio, Steel God Jeeg, Steel Jeeg, Steel Jeeg (2007), jeeg (2007), Стальной Джииг 2, こうてつしんじーぐ, 鋼鉄神ジーグ, 钢铁神吉克
Kotetsushin Jeeg takes place fifty years after the original and features a new cast of characters&mdash