action adventure amnesia android androids apocalyptic fiction artificial intelligence asia based on a manga comedy drama earth family life female protagonist found family guns half-length episodes manga mecha non-human protagonists orphan post apocalypse post-apocalyptic robot helper robots robots & android sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen shounen time skip urban
Rating: 6.62
Iron Communication, Kurogane, Tetsu Komyunikeishon, kc, kurocomm, くろがねこみゅにけいしょん, 鉄[くろがね]コミュニケイション, 鉄コミュニケイション
In the aftermath of a great and terrible war, Haruka finds herself the last surviving human on Earth. Though humanity may have been wiped out, she is not entirely alone. Advanced robots have survived the apocalypse, and Haruka lives with five who care for her: Spike, a boyish android who is very attached to her