adult cast animals based on a manga comedy contemporary fantasy ensemble cast episodic fantasy gag gag humor male protagonist manga nun parody police primarily adult cast shounen slapstick supernatural surreal comedy urban urban fantasy vampire vampires video games
Rating: 7.27
KyuuShi, Kyūketsuki Sugu Shinu, The Vampire Dies Now, The Vampire Dies in No Time, The Vampire dies in no time., เจ้าแวมไพร์ พันธุ์ตายไว, 吸血鬼すぐ死ぬ, 吸血鬼马上死
Vampires are known to have many weaknesses that balance out their incredible power, but the vampire lord Draluc happens to be weak to pretty much anything. The vampire hunter Ronald receives a job to infiltrate the castle of the so-called "