action apocalyptic fiction aviation bullying cg animation cg-anime chinese animation chinese production cult demon demons drama dystopian environmental full cgi guns horror kaiju lost civilization male protagonist mecha military monster mystery mythology new original work post-apocalyptic primarily adult cast sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction slavery suspense thriller tragedy
Rating: 7.33
Ling Cage, Ling Long, Ling Long: Incarnation Shang Ban Ji, Ling Long: Incarnation Shangban Ji, Spirit Cage: Incarnation, 灵笼, 灵笼: INCARNATION, 灵笼: INCARNATION 上半季, 灵笼:INCARNATION, 灵笼:INCARNATION 上半季, 灵笼:INCARNATION
In the not-too-distant future, the human world has long been overpopulated. Humanity marched to the stars in search of a new home, and just as this was going on, the moon'