artificial intelligence based on a manga chibi comedy drama ensemble cast horror japan manga parody primarily male cast psychological psychological drama robots romance school club school life seinen short episodes super deformed
Rating: 5.17
Litchi De Hikari Club, Litchi Hikari Club, Litchi☆Hikari Club, Lychee DE Hikari Club, Lychee DE Light Club, Lychee De Hikari Club, Lychee Light Club, Raichi Hikari Club, ライチ DE 光クラブ, ライチDE光クラブ, 荔枝DE光之俱乐部
Litchi DE Hikari Club takes place in an alternate reality where the Hikari Club does not fall into disarray after the completion of Litchi, the intelligent humanlike robot the club invented to kidnap girls. The cult-like Hikari Club has had its ups and downs. Led by the enigmatic, beauty-obsessed Hiroyuki "