action alien aliens android androids asia based on a manga comedy cyborg daily life drama earth ecchi female protagonist found family harem japan maid maids manga mecha middle school military moe non-human protagonists nudity present robots robots & android romance romantic comedy school school life sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen slapstick small breasts stereotypes teacher war
Rating: 7.14
Automatic Maiden, MM, Mahoromantic: Automatic Maiden, Mahoromatic, Mahoromatic - Automatic Maiden, Махороматик: Автоматическая девушка, まほろまてぃっく, まほろまてぃっく Automatic Maiden, 魔力女仆真幌, 마호로매틱, 마호로매틱: Automatic Maiden
Mahoro Andou is a powerful combat android designed by Vesper, a secret organization protecting the world against alien invaders. Unfortunately, her remaining operational time is running short. If she continues to fight, she will shut down in about one month. However, if she chooses to avoid combat, she can live freely for over a year. Suguru Misato is a high school boy who lives alone in a large house left behind by his late parents. Like any other boy his age, he has trouble taking care of the house on his own, so he decides to enlist the help of a maid. His problem is solved in the most unexpected way: when a couple of thugs hijack the bus he is riding, a young, beautiful girl wearing a maid outfit saves the day. It turns out that this girl is Mahoro, who has chosen to live her remaining days as Suguru'