adventure anthology based on a fairy tale classic literature drama episodic fantasy historical
Rating: 6.96
Anime Sekai no Mukashi Banashi, As Mais Belas Histórias do Mundo, Ausflug ins Märchenland, Castillo de Cuentos, Classic Tales Retold (2), Cuentos Populares, Cuentos Universales, Fairy Tales From Around the World, Fiabe così, Le più belle favole del mondo, MSMB, Manga Fairy Tales of the World, Manga Sekai Mukashi Banashi, Serce, Super Aventuras, Tales of Magic, Wonderful, Wonderful Tales from Around the World, World Fairy Tales, World Famous Fairy Tales, World Folklore Tales, סיפורים קלאסיים מצוירים, حكايات عالمية, まんがせかいむかしばなし, まんが世界昔ばなし, アニメ世界の昔ばなし
Each episode of this series tells the story of a famous fairy tale from all around the world. Some of them are adapted from famous books such as "