action action game adventure alternate universe alternative world based on a video game conspiracy disaster dystopian game mecha post apocalypse post-apocalyptic real robot robots rpg sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen super robot super robots
Rating: 6.04
Cybaster, Cybaster - La Divina Macchina Elementale, Cybuster, Demonic Armor Cybuster, Demonic Armor Psybuster, Elemental God-Machine Cybaster, God Elemental Machine of the Wind Cybaster, Lord of Elementals Cybaster, Masou Kishin Cybaster, Masou Kishin Psybuster, Masō Kishin Cybuster, Psybuster, 魔装机神, 魔装機神サイバスター
In an enviromentally wrecked future Tokyo, a young man named Ken Ando joins an organization called DC. Little does he realize that his fate and that of Earth will be linked to a mysterious mecha from another world. (Source: ANN)