action comedy elementary school episodic mecha robot school sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction space space travel super robot transforming craft
Rating: 6.39
Invincible Robo Trider G7, Invincible Robot Trider G7, Invincible Robot Tryder G7, L'indistruttibile Robot Trider G7, L` Indistruttibile Robot Trider G7, Trider G7, 無敵ロボ トライダーG7, 無敵ロボトライダーG7
Takeo Watta inherits a company upon his father's death. The company focuses on space travel, and the transformable robot Trider-G7 is their greatest creation. When an evil space organization lead by Lord Zakuron starts attacking Earth, Watta has to use Trider in a more combat-oriented way. (Source: ANN)