4-koma manga based on a manga cats comedy family life historical island manga short episodes slice of life
Rating: 4.93
Neko mo, Ondake, The Onda Family, Including the Cat, Too, 与猫同住的恩田家, 猫も, オンダケ, 猫も、 オンダケ, 猫も、オンダケ
The manga is set in Matsuyama City in the southwestern prefecture of Ehime on Shikoku Island during the Showa 40s era (1965-1975). The Onda family includes the big sister Sachiko who is a passionate fan of the idol Hiromi Dō, the little brother Takushi who is terrible at arithmetic, the father Yoshito who works at a factory and is a Yomiuri Giants baseball fan, the mother Natsuko who wants to build a house for the family, and the newest addition &mdash