action age gap based on a manga comedy crime crunchyroll co-production drama female protagonist guns hero of strong character heterosexual high school mafia manga older man, younger woman organized crime orphans present romance romantic drama school school life shoujo slapstick slice of life struggle to survive yakuza
Rating: 5.66
A Girl & Her Guard Dog, A Girl and Her Guard Dog, Ojō to Banken-kun, องครักษ์พิทักษ์หวานใจ, お嬢と番犬くん, 大小姐和看門犬, 大小姐和看门犬
When Isaku Senagaki was five years old, the death of her parents left her to be raised by her yakuza boss grandfather, Tasuke. Now preparing to enter high school, Isaku is determined to start fresh with an honest attempt at having a normal high school experience. All she wants is to be able to make friends and find love without being defined by her connection to the yakuza. But Isaku'