action adventure alternative world based on a manga bionic powers comedy drama fantasy fighting-shounen food preparation friendship ganbatte hero of strong character magic martial arts monster pirate pirates recap shounen slapstick super power superpowers swords & co tsundere
Rating: 6.75
Episode of Foxy, One Piece: Davy Back Fight Recap, One Piece: Episode of Foxy, One Piece: Long Ring Long Land Arc, One Piece: Long Ring Long Land Arc - A One Night Abridged Special, One Piece: Long Ring Long Land-hen - Ichiya Kagiri no Tokubetsu Henshuu-ban, One Piece: Long Ring Long Land-hen - Ichiya Kagiri no Tokubetsu Henshū-ban, ワンピース~ロングリングロングランド編~ 一夜限りの特別編集版
A 75-minute recap of episodes 207-219, covering the Long Ring Long Land Arc. It was only aired once and was never released on home video.