action action comedy adult cast alien almighty hero anti-hero based on a manga comedy cyborg cyborgs ensemble cast fantasy kaiju male protagonist manga martial arts monsters overpowered main characters parody present primarily adult cast primarily male cast prophecy satire sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen shounen splatter stoic hero super power superhero superheroes supernatural supernatural drama superpowers surreal comedy urban urban fantasy video games
Rating: 7.52
Jagoan Sekali Pukul S2, ONE PUNCH MAN ワンパンマン (2019), OPM 2, OPM2, One Punch Man (2019), One Punch Man 2, One Punch Man S2, One Punch Man Saison 2, One Punch Man Season 2, One Punch Man Staffel 2, One Punch Man Temporada 2, One Punch-Man 2, One-Punch Man 2, One-Punch Man Phần 2, One-Punch Man Saison 2, One-Punch Man Season 2, One-Punch Man: Season 2, Wanpanman 2, opm2, Ванпанчмен (2 сезон), Уанпънч-мен 2, איש האגרוף הבודד (2019), رجل اللكمة الواحدة (2019), رجل اللكمة الواحدة 2, مرد تک مشتی, ون بنش مان 2, วันพันช์แมน ภาคที่ 2, わんぱんまん, ワンパンマン, ワンパンマン 2, ワンパンマン SEASON 2, ワンパンマン SEASON2, ワンパンマン(第2期), 一拳超人 第二季, 원펀맨 시즌 2
In the wake of defeating Boros and his mighty army, Saitama has returned to his unremarkable everyday life in Z-City. However, unbeknownst to him, the number of monsters appearing is still continuously on the rise, putting a strain on the Hero Association'