anime & movie based on a manga comedy coming of age daily life ecchi educational episodic female protagonist food preparation genius gyaru heroine of strong character high school manga ojou-sama otaku culture present primarily female cast primarily teen cast satire school school life seinen short episodes slapstick slice of life stoic heroine tanned skin
Rating: 7.01
Oshiete! Gyaruko-chan, Please Tell Me ! Galko-chan, Please Tell Me! Galko Chan, Please Tell Me! Galko-chan, Please tell me! GALKO-chan, Please tell me! Galko-chan, galko, galkochan, Розкажи-но Галю!, Розкажи-но, Галю!, おしえて! ギャル子ちゃん, おしえて! ギャル子ちゃん, おしえて!ギャル子ちゃん, 告诉我!辣妹子酱, 가르쳐줘! 갸루코쨩
At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn&rsquo