action adventure alternate universe based on a video game crime drama fantasy monster mystery policeman present school sci-fi slice of life super power supernatural supernatural drama thriller tragedy
Rating: 6.51
P4GA #Another End Episode: Thank you Mr. Accomplice, P4GA Another End Episode: Thank You Mister Accomplice, Persona 4 The Golden Animation: Another End, Persona 4 The Golden Animation: Another End Episode - Thank You Mister Accomplice, Persona 4 The Golden Animation: Thank you Mr. Accomplice, Persona 4 the Golden Animation: Another End, Persona 4: The Golden Animation OVA, ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン Another End Episode「Thank you Mr. Accomplice」, ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデンアニメーション Thank you Mr. Accomplice
After Yuu finds out the past and circumstances of Adachi, he makes a single decision in order to save him. (Source: ANN) This is an alternate ending to the Persona 4 The Golden Animation series.