absurdist humour alternate universe badminton based on a 4-koma manga based on a manga battle royale breaking the fourth wall cgi comedy cosmic horror crossover gag gag humor goblin guns henshin manga meta nonsense-comedy parody satire school seinen sequel slapstick space super deformed super robot surreal comedy time manipulation tokusatsu
Rating: 7.51
POP TEAM EPIC 第二季, PPTP 2, PTE 2, Pop Team Epic (2022), Pop Team Epic 2, Pop Team Epic 2nd Season, Pop Team Epic : Saison 2, Pop Team Epic Season 2, Pop Team Epic: Season 2, Pop Team Epic: Staffel 2, Poputepipikku (2022), Poputepipikku 2, pop子和pipi美的日常 第二季, pte s2, ポプテピピック, ポプテピピック (2022), ポプテピピック 2, ポプテピピック TVアニメーション作品第二シリーズ, ポプテピピック 第二シリーズ, ポプテピピック (2022)
High school girl duo Popuko and Pipimi are back and more unhinged than ever after their initial efforts to create a full-fledged anime production were met with a great reception. With no regard for their audience, they continue to live their reckless everyday lives consisting of comedy skits and parodies of epic proportions. No one is immune to the effects of their antics&mdash