4-koma manga asia based on a 4-koma manga based on a manga comedy earth elementary school high school japan manga present school school life seinen short episodes siblings slapstick slice of life
Rating: 6.8
Recorder and Backpack Re, Recorder and Randsell (2), Recorder and Randsell 2, Recorder and Randsell Re, Recorder and Randsell Re♪, Recorder and Randsell: Season 2, Recorder and Ransel Re, Recorder and Satchel Re, Recorder to Randsell 2, Recorder to Randsell Re, Recorder to Ransel Re, recorder and randoseru re, りこーだーとらんどせるれ, リコーダーとランドセル レ♪, 竖笛与双肩书包 2♪
Second season.