action action comedy adventure bionic powers comedy ecchi henshin magical girl original work present romance school sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction sentai slice of life super power superhero superheroes tokusatsu
Rating: 5.96
Meteor Team Musumet, Musumet, Musumet: Las justicieras, Ryusei Sentai Musumet, Ryūsei Sentai Musumet, Shooting Starlets Musumet, りゅうせいせんたいむすめっと, 流星戦隊ムスメット
One day, seven shooting stars fell on to the ground. The shooting stars were colored by seven colors, and they had terrible powers. Those who took the shooting star were tuned into monsters by embodying their desires. Dr. Mishina and Dr. Kishiwada obtained the red, green, and blue stars secretly, and they studied the stars. Finally, they could successfully control their power by putting a special helmet on. The newly developed helmet, "