action adventure apocalyptic fiction based on a novel cgi child protagonists childcare comedy coming of age drama dystopia episodic family female protagonist found family gender bending guns heroine of strong character kaiju male protagonist mecha monster novel post apocalypse post-apocalyptic power suit real robots sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction struggle to survive super robot tragedy video games
Rating: 6.51
Drilling Labyrinth Marker, Project ANIMA, Project Anima, Project Anima: Sakugan Labyrinth Marker, SAKUGAN, Sacks&Guns!!, Sakugan Labyrinth Marker, Sakugan Labyrinth Marker (削岩ラビリンスマーカー), Sakugan!!, サクガン, サクガン!!, 削岩ラビリンスマーカー, 迷宫标记者
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