action action drama adventure ancient china archery based on a novel classic literature drama ensemble cast excessive violence foreign gore historical military old asia past politics primarily adult cast primarily male cast romance of the three kingdoms ships swords & co three kingdoms war
Rating: 6.59
Great Conquest: Romance of Three Kingdoms, Great Conquest: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2, Great Conquest: The Romance of Three Kingdoms II, Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Chapter 2], Sangoku Shi: Choukou Moyu!, Sangokushi Dai Ni Bu Choukou Moyu!, Sangokushi Dainibu Choukou Moyu, Sangokushi Dainibu Choukou Moyu!, Sangokushi Dainibu: Choukou Moyu!, Sangokushi Dainibu: Chōkō Moyu!, Sangokushi [2], Sangokushi [2] Choukou Moyu!, 三国志 第二部 長江燃ゆ, 三国志 第二部 長江燃ゆ!, 三国志 第二部・長江燃ゆ!
An anime based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel.