absurdist humour action action comedy alternate universe based on a light novel comedy coming of age contemporary fantasy cyborg denpa drama earth ecchi family life fantasy female protagonist female student gods heterosexual hikikomori incest japan kamis kuudere lgbtq+ themes meta mythology novel parody present primarily female cast psi-powers psychological reluctant heroine robots romance satire school shrine maiden super power supernatural surreal comedy swordplay swords & co time manipulation tomboy tragedy tsundere verbal comedy yuri
Rating: 6.66
Sasami-san Ganbaranai, Sasami-san at Ganbaranai, Sasami-san@Gambaranai, Sasami-san@Unmotivated, Sasami@Unmotivated, ganbaranai, sasami tv, sasami-san, sasamisan, ささみさん@がんばらない, ささみさんがんばらない, ささみさん@がんばらない, 锁锁美同学@提不起劲, 사사미양 노력하지 않아
The Japanese call them hikikomori&mdash