asia based on a manga butler comedy daily life delinquent delinquents earth ensemble cast episodic gag gag humor hero of strong character heterosexual high school japan kuudere love polygon love triangle manga manga & doujinshi parody present primarily teen cast romance romantic comedy school school life shounen slapstick slice of life stoic hero super power tomboy tsundere unrequited love verbal comedy
Rating: 7.89
Comic Book Blues!, SR, SR s1, SR1, School Rumble 1, School Rumble TV, Sukuran, sukuran, Школьный переполох, سكول رمبل, โรงเรียนวุ่น ชุลมุนรัก, すくーるらんぶる, スクールランブル, 喧嚣学园, 校园迷糊大王, 校園迷糊大王
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