action action comedy adventure alien alternate universe alternative world android anti-hero based on a light novel cannibalism chimera comedy crude cute girls doing cute things cyborg demon demons disability ecchi fantasy fantasy world female harem female protagonist guns harem human enhancement isekai knight kuudere magic male protagonist mecha military monster girl novel parody person in a strange world primarily female cast robots robots & android sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen swords & co tokusatsu tsundere violence war yandere
Rating: 7.15
Combatants Will Be Dispatched, Combatants Will Be Dispatched!, Kombattanten Werden Entsandt!, Kombattanten werden entsandt!, Les Combattants Seront Déployés !, Les combattants seront déployés !, Senmasu, Sentouin Hakenshimasu!, Sentouin, Haken Shimasu!, Sentōin, Hakenshimasu!, Бійці будуть відправлені!, Комбатанты будут высланы!, นักรบสายป่วนออกปฏิบัติกวน, 战斗员派遣中!, 戦闘員, 派遣します!, 戦闘員、派遣します!, 戰鬥員派遣中!
As a chief operative of the villainous Kisaragi Corporation, Sentouin Roku-gou receives orders to help the organization conquer the entire known universe. Tasked with infiltrating the kingdom of Grace&mdash