absurdist humour action adventure alternative world based on a manga breaking the fourth wall comedy delinquents demon demons ensemble cast epic fantasy fantasy game elements male protagonist manga meta nonsense-comedy parody short episodes shounen slapstick swords & co
Rating: 7.27
Sen`yuu., Senyu, Senyu., Senyuu, Sen’yuu., Sen’yū., せんゆう, 战勇。, 戦勇., 戦勇。
Once upon a time, the demon lord Rchimedes spread terror throughout the world, until he was eventually sealed away by the legendary hero Creasion. Since then, a thousand years have passed peacefully. However, a mysterious hole has opened up between the demon and human spheres, and countless demons have surged into the human realm once more. Coming to the conclusion that Rchimedes would soon return to wreak havoc, a human king summons the possible descendants of the legendary hero&mdash