action arranged marriage asia based on a manga beastman chibi comedy coming of age cyborg diva drama earth ecchi ensemble cast fantasy female harem gangs gender bender guns harem heroine of strong character heterosexual idol interspecies relationship japan mafia manga mermaid mermaids middle school moe music organized crime parody present romance romantic comedy school school life shounen slapstick slice of life solo singer sudden girlfriend appearance super deformed swords & co yakuza
Rating: 7.66
Ho sposato una sirena, La Prometida de Seto, Mi novia es una sirena, My Bride Is a Mermaid, My Bride is a Mermaid, Seto no Hayanome, Setohana, SnH, The Inland Sea Bride, Морская Невеста, せとのはなよめ, 濑户的花嫁, 瀨戶的花嫁, 瀬戸の花嫁, 세토의 신부
During his summer vacation, middle school student Nagasumi Michishio travels to the Seto Inland Sea. One day, while swimming at Mio Sun Beach, his leg suddenly cramps. No one is close enough to notice his desperate screams for help, and so he sinks into the ocean, where he is left to drown alone. Just as he loses consciousness, however, a mermaid appears and saves his life. That night, Nagasumi is visited by his savior, a girl who introduces herself as Sun Seto&mdash