achronological order anti-hero asia based on a light novel contemporary fantasy countryside dark fantasy denpa drama earth ensemble cast excessive violence fantasy foreign gore guns horror japan male protagonist medicine monster girl mystery noitamina novel pandemic philosophy plot continuity present primarily teen cast psychological psychological drama religion revenge rural seinen shounen splatter supernatural supernatural drama survival suspense thriller tragedy urban fantasy vampire vampires violence werewolf writing yandere zombie
Rating: 7.72
Corpse Demon, Corpse Demons, Necrodemon, Shi Ki, Shi ki, Shi-Ki, Некродемон, Трупный демон, Труподемони, Усопшие, Шики, Шікі, しき, 尸鬼, 屍鬼
Life is idyllic and unassuming in the small town of Sotoba, a simple place where everyone knows everyone. However, tragedy strikes when Megumi Shimizu, a young girl with high aspirations, unexpectedly passes away from an unnamed illness. Over the torrid summer months, as more unexplained deaths crop up around the village, the town'