action age gap alternate universe based on a manga bishounen bullying demon demons fantasy game henshin horror lgbtq+ themes magic manga monster mythology ninja nudity present reincarnation rpg school sci-fi science fiction supernatural supernatural drama tragedy
Rating: 5.35
Tokyo Revelation, True Goddess Reborn: Tokyo Revelation, shin megaten, 真・女神転生 東京黙示録, 真・女神転生 東京黙示録, 真・女転
Handsome and effeminate, quiet but proud, the sinister Akito Kobayashi has a passion for the occult and has developed a computer program to summon demons and the living dead. But little does he know that fellow high school students Kojirou Souma and Saki Yagami are reincarnations of powerful and benevolent spirits. When the pair'