action adventure aliens angst based on a manga comedy coming of age drama female protagonist humanoid alien japan leijiverse male protagonist military mystery plot continuity sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen shounen space space opera stereotypes supernatural drama thriller tragedy war
Rating: 7.12
1000-Year Queen, 1000年女王, Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years, Die Königin der 1000 Jahre, Die Königin der tausend Jahre, Exploradores del espacio, La Princesa de los 1000 Años, La Reina de los 1000 años, La Reine du Fond des Temps, La regina dei mille anni, La reine du fond des temps, Millennia, Queen Millennia, Sen Nen Joou, Sen-Nen Joo, Sennen Joo, Sennen Joou, Shin Taketori Monogatari: 1000-nen Joō, Shin Taketori Monogatari: Sen-Nen Joou, Shin Taketori Monogatari: Sennen Joou, The Queen of a Thousand Years, lrdfdt, qm, Η Βασίλισσα των 1000 Χρόνων, Королева тысячелетия (ТВ), せんねんじょおう, 新竹取物語 1000年女王, 新竹取物語1000年女王
The year is 1999. Amamori Hajime is just a normal, everyday elementary school student, trying to study and hanging out with his crazy pals. But then one day as his father is testing a piece of equipment he has been working on, something causes it to blow up, taking the house with it! Now orphaned, Hajime is taken in by his uncle, who is an astronomer. There at his uncle'