alternative world based on a manga chibi comedy contemporary fantasy cute boys doing cute things daily life ensemble cast episodic fantasy food gag ghost half-length episodes kaiju male protagonist manga monster parody present primarily child cast romance school school club school life shounen slapstick slice of life super deformed urban fantasy verbal comedy
Rating: 7.2
Ataque a los Titanes: Junior High, Attack on Titan: Junior High, Attack! Titan Junior High, Attaque des Titans Junior High-school, L`Attaque Des Titans Junior High-School, Shingeki! Kyojin Chūgakkō, snk (2015), ผ่า! มัธยมไททัน, ผ่ามัธยมไททัน, しんげききょじんちゅうがっこう, 进击! 巨人中学校, 進撃! 巨人中学校, 進撃! 巨人中学校 attack on titan: junior high, 進撃! 巨人中学校, 進撃!巨人中学校
On his first day of junior high, Eren Yeager comes face-to-face with a titan&mdash