anime tamago bullying child protagonists drama elementary school japan kodomo present primarily child cast psychological psychological drama school school life shorts wakate animator ikusei project
Rating: 6.27
2011 Young Animator Training Project, Anime Mirai 2011, Anime Mirai Project 2012, Minding My Own Business, Minding My Own Business (2012), Shiranpuri, Shiranpuri (2012), Shiranpuri (Movie), Wakate Animator Ikusei Project, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project 2011 4, Wakate Animator Ikusei Project 2012, Young Animator Training Project 2011 4, Young Animator Training Project 2012, しらんぷり, しらんぷり (2012), しらんぷり (2012)
When a young boy witnesses Yaragase and his gang bully his classmate Don, he becomes incredibly uncomfortable. Unable to intervene out of fear of becoming their next target, the young boy decides to mind his own business. As Yaragase'