action adventure based on a visual novel based on an eroge comedy ecchi military real robots recap romance sci-fi science fiction science-fiction space
Rating: 5.8
Soul Link Episode 10.5, Soul Link Recap, Soul Link Tokubetsu Kaisou-hen: Cellaria / Nanami, Soul Link 第10.5話 「特別回想編 -CELLARIA/NANAMI-, Soul Link: Tokubetsu Kaisou Hen - Cellaria / Nanami, Soul Link: Tokubetsu Kaisō Hen - Cellaria / Nanami, Soul Link特別回想編 CELLARIA/NANAMI
Recap Special. First half of the episode follows Cellaria from her point of view and her narration. Second part follows Nanami from her point of view with her narration. Takes place between episodes 10 and 11 (Episode 10.5).