absurdist humour action adventure alien aliens alternative present based on a light novel comedy earth ecchi episodic harem henshin humanoid alien japan large breasts manga mecha non-human protagonists nonsense-comedy parody power suit present robots robots & android sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen slapstick superheroes superpowers tokusatsu
Rating: 6.76
Dokkoida, Dokkoida!?, Dokkoida: Viviendo en el Apartamento Cósmico, Dokkoida?!, Dokkoider, Dokkoider !?, Dokkoider!?, Sumeba Miyako no Cosmos-sou Suttoko Taisen Dokkoider, Sumeba Miyako no Cosmos-sō Suttoko Taisen Dokkoida, Доккойда, דוקוידה, すめばみやこのこすもすそうすっとこたいせんどっこいだー, 住めば都のコスモス荘 すっとこ大戦ドッコイダー, 정들면 고향 코스모스장, 황당용사 욜라세다
The Galaxy Federation Police (GFP) desperately wants to cover-up its personnel shortage with new mechanized power-suits. Suzuo, 19-years old, desperately needs a job. Tampopo needs an earthling to fit the prototype of her company'