action action comedy adventure comedy ecchi female protagonist fugitive future mecha new original work other planet outer space parody piloted robot primarily female cast real robot real robots sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shipboard slapstick space stereotypes verbal comedy
Rating: 6.23
Tenamon`ya Voyagers, Те еще странники, てなもんやぼいじゃぁず, てなもんやボイジャーズ
Paraila was an agent for a war organization in the space, but suddenly the supreme court of planets accused her of betrayal and she was forced to be a fugitive to escape from jail. Now she forms a team with a clueless school teacher, a bazooka lover girl and Paraila's former sidekick. They will battle against Paraila's enemies, and try to go to earth to escape from space justice. (Source: ANN)