action action drama artificial intelligence based on a manga bionic powers drama dystopia fugitive future genetic modification human enhancement magic male protagonist manga memory manipulation military other planet outer space philosophy plot continuity psi-powers psychic powers psychological drama sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shipboard shounen space space opera space travel super power superpowers time skip tragedy violence war
Rating: 7.87
Chikyuu he, Chikyuu he..., Terra e … (2007), Terra e... (2007), Terra e... TV, Terra he..., To Terra..., Toward the Terra (2007), Toward the Terra (TV), Toward the Terra TV, Toward the Terra tv, Toward the Terra …, Towards the Terra..., tttv, До Землі, Достичь Тэрры, На път към Земята, てらへ, 向地球, 地球へ... (2007), 地球へ…, 地球へ… (TV), 地球へ… (2007), 지구로
When humanity realized that the Earth, or Terra, had been polluted beyond fixing, the planet'