action adventure aliens androids artificial intelligence based on a manga episodic male protagonist manga mecha non-human protagonists primarily male cast robots robots & android school sci-fi science fiction science-fiction shounen superheroes tragedy
Rating: 7.16
Astro Boy, Astro Boy (1980), Astro Le Petit Robot, Astro le Petit Robot, Astro le petit robot, Astroboy, Atom (1980), Robotukas Marsas, Tetsuwan Atom, 鉄腕アトム, 鉄腕アトム (1980), 鉄腕アトム (1980)
Set in a future where machines have advanced to the point of autonomy and become a point of major contention in the political and social realms, Astro Boy (1980) chronicles the struggles of a crime-fighting young robot named Atom. Created in the image of his enigmatic inventor'