action aliens based on a manga cg animation cg-anime drama full cgi future manga outer space sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction seinen shipboard space
Rating: 6.31
2001 Nights, 2001 Ya Monogatari, Elliptical Orbit, Nová vesmírná Odyssea, Orbital, Symbiotic Planet, T.O. 2001 Nights, T.O. 2001 Nights, Elliptical Orbit, TO - A Space Fantasy, TO - Elliptical Orbit & Symbiotic Planet, TO Movie, TO(トゥー), TO: Elliptical Orbit, TO: Symbiotic Planet, To, To - A Space Fantasy, To: A Space Fantasy, Tooo, トゥー
Elliptical Orbit: Fifteen years after its last contact with our world, a space freighter known as the Flying Dutchman requests permission to dock at a remote moon base. This mysterious ship carries liquid protons: a power source essential to the survival of Earth&rsquo