action adventure alien american derived combining mecha comedy earth future mecha non-human protagonists present robots robots & android sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction sentient mecha shounen super robot transforming craft transforming mecha war western animated cartoon
Rating: 6.52
TF:RiD, Transformeriai: Užsimaskavę robotai, Transformers: RiD, Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Αυτοκίνητα Ρομπότ, רובוטריקים: רובוטים במסווה, トランスフォーマー・カーロボット
The evil Gigatron has led his forces of Destrongers to Earth, where they seek to pillage the planet for its vast energy resources in order to fuel their war against the Autobots. If successful, the Destrongers will finally be able to tip the scale of power in the war to their favor, eliminating the Autobots and moving on to conquer the universe. To this end, the Destrongers kidnap the scientist Dr. Ohnishi, Earth'