action based on a manga comedy coming of age drama dullahan ecchi fantasy female harem magic mahjong primarily female cast sci-fi science fiction shounen slice of life surreal comedy urban fantasy vampire vampires witch
Rating: 7.18
Eternal Holder, Eternal Holder OVA, UQ HOLDER!, UQ HOLDER! OVA, UQ HOLDER! ~魔法先生ネギま! 2~ (2017), UQ Holder! Episode 0, UQ Holder! Mahou Sensei Negima! 2 (2017), UQ Holder! Mahō Sensei Negima! 2 (2017), UQ Holder! OAD, UQ Holder! OVA, UQ Holder! OVAs, Yuukyuu Holder, Yuukyuu Holder OVA, msn ova 5, negima ova 5, negimagi ova 5, 悠久持有者!OAD
Bundled with the 14th, 16th, and 17th volumes of the UQ Holder! manga.