acting adult cast based on a manga bishounen comedy coworkers daily life dark comedy ensemble cast episodic fishing gag humor josei male protagonist manga meta musical present primarily adult cast primarily male cast satire showbiz slice of life work work life working life workplace
Rating: 7.7
Life Lessons of Uramichi-Oniisan, Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan, Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan, Uramichi Onii-san, Uramichi Onīsan, uo, Двуличный братик Урамити, อูรามิจิ โอนีซัง, うらみちお兄さん, 阴晴不定大哥哥, 陰晴不定的體操哥哥
In the studio of the morning childrens'