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adventure animal protagonists animals comedy family friendly kids non-human protagonists original work short episodes

Urikupen Kyuujo-tai

Rating: 5.92

Alternative Titles

A Patrulha U, A Patrulha da Selva, Die Dschungel-Patrouille, Die Dschungelpatrouille, Jungelpatruljen, Jungle Tales, Urikupen Kyuujo Tai, Urikupen Kyuujotai, Urikupen Kyūjotai, Urikupen Rescue Team, Urikupen's Rescue Patrol, Urikupen`s Rescue Patrol, Uriqpen Kyudota, Uriqpen Kyuujotai, Uriqpen: Animal Rescue League, מלך הג`ונגל, ウリクペン救助隊


Four young animals, rabbit Seitaro Usagi, squirrel Risu, bear Kuma, and penguin Penguin (U-Ri-Ku-Pen), are part of a team of brave young animals that rescues others in peril. Other team members included a dog, a boar, a deer, a koala, a mouse, a seagull, and a lion. The animals would win a prize for completing a mission, as would the viewers, who were encouraged to write in and guess which of the creatures would save the world by each Friday (a single mission stretched over a week of TV). Created by Mitsuru Kaneko, this show was given a limited broadcast on some American local TV stations for the Japanese community. (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)

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