4-koma manga asia based on a 4-koma manga based on a manga cgdct chibi comedy cute girls doing cute things daily life earth episodic female protagonist food friendship gyaru japan manga moe ojou-sama present primarily female cast school school life seinen short episodes slapstick slice of life stoic heroine verbal comedy
Rating: 6.88
Wakaba Girl, Wakaba*Girl, わかば*ガール, わかばがーる, わかば*ガール, 若叶女孩
Wakaba Kohashi, a sheltered rich girl, dreams of becoming a fashionable and trendy gyaru because she admires their outgoing and carefree nature. With this goal in mind, Wakaba begins the school year hoping to make her high school debut as a gyaru. On the first day of class, she meets the pure Moeko Tokita, the serious Nao Mashiba, and the eccentric Mao Kurokawa, and the four of them quickly become friends as they learn about and imitate each other'