
Anime Image


  • Episode: 3
  • Duration: 17 min. per ep.
  • Studio: -
  • Release: WINTER 2000

amnesia avant garde dementia horror psychological psychological drama

Yonimo Osoroshii Nihon Mukashibanashi

Rating: 5.4

Alternative Titles

Adult Fairy Tales, Adult Fairytales, Otona no Douwa, Otona no Douwa Series: Yonimo Osoroshii Nihon Mukashibanashi, Otona no Dowa, Otono no Douwa, Otono no Dowa, The Truth of Japanese Fairy Tales, Yonimo Osoroshī Nihon Mukashibanashi, オトナの童話シリーズ 世にも恐ろしい日本昔話, 世にも恐ろしい日本昔話, 令人战栗的日本昔话


The horrible truths behind Japanese Fairy Tales from the ancient times are finally revealed! This title includes three episodes: "The Monkey and the Crab", "Click-Crack Mountain" and "Urashima and the Kingdom beneath the Sea". (Source: Official Website)

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