action age gap alternative world based on a manga crossdressing drama ensemble cast fantasy gods heterosexual male protagonist manga mecha military mythology politics primarily adult cast real robot real robots robots romance sci fi sci-fi science fiction science-fiction space opera tragedy
Rating: 6.57
5 star stories, Beş Yıldız Öyküleri, FSS, Five Star Monogatari, The Five Star Stories, The Five Star Stories Movie, Герои пяти планет, Истории от петте звезди, ファイブスター物語
Amaterasu is the god of light, the future emperor of the Joker Star System. Under the guise of young mecha conceptor Ladios Sopp, he is compelled by an old friend, Dr Ballanche, to save his two latest Fatimas Lachesis and Clotho. And so began the stories of the Joker System, as well as Amaterasu's love for Lachesis. (Source: ANN)