based on a 4-koma manga based on a manga brain games and gambling chibi comedy fantasy gambling gyaru moe present primarily female cast romance seinen shapeshifting short episodes slice of life super deformed surreal comedy working life
Rating: 6.13
Hanabi Tends to Fall Behind, Hanabi-chan Is Often Late, Hanabi-chan is Often Late, Hanabi-chan wa Okure-gachi, Hanabi-chan: The Girl Who Popped Out of the Game World, Hanabichan : The Girl Who Popped Out of the Game World, Hanabichan ~The girl who popped out of the game world~, Hanabichan: The Girl Who Popped Out of the Game World, ハナビちゃんは遅れがち
Recent college graduate Musashi Shinonome is visiting the Shitamachi God Heaven pachinko hall after inheriting it from his late grandfather. Inside, he stumbles upon a girl sleeping in a futon, who wakes up upon his arrival. She introduces herself as Hanabi Hana Ariake: a self-proclaimed perfected pachislot machine that has turned into a human. To prove this, she demonstrates her ability to transform and shoot fireworks out of her body. Over the following days, Musashi meets two of Ariake'